Saturday 7 September 2013

Mortal Instruments is a Tool

I was warned that is a twilight copycat. But for three dudes who after a failed attempt at EscapeRoom, were looking for more fulfilling entertainment after being locked in for 45 futile minutes. And we chose this, just because the rating on IMDB was higher than the Purge.

What a mistake that was. Over two hours I’ll never get back. The movie which was based on a teenage girl novel series of the same name, is about a girl, Clary who find out she’s a half angel through another half angel called Jace, who is narcissistic to the core. I won’t even humour you by telling you the ridiculous names the author has come up with to label her characters. Simon, a human, is interested in Clary, but she falls in love with Jace instead. Does this love triangle seem familiars? Team Jace vs Team Simon anyone? But fret not, this love triangle soon becomes a love quadrangle when some other half angel guy takes a fancy to Jace.

The script oozes buffoonery, as you not only get half angels but vampires, werewolves, warlocks, witches, demons and everything magical that has been written in the past 100 years. And all this in the first book/movie of the series. It’s a complete mess of characters, folklore, scripting, clichés and acting. There was a moment when it even parodied borrowed a plotline from Star Wars. I detected the Luke, Leia and Han Solo love triangle, as well as “Jace I am Your FATHER’ and not forgetting the incestuous romance.

I could only conjecture that the high IMDB rating was due to the thousands of Twilight loving teen girls suffering from withdrawal syndrome. Please save your sanity and money and stay away. I have to give this 2/10.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I was wondering when someone would watch this travesty.

    This was written by a woman who got famous writing Harry Potter fan-fiction back in the day years and years ago, this was around the time when Book 4 was released I think so she went ahead and finished the last 3 books by herself. She had a lot of fans and critics, and when it was pointed out she had copied entire passages nearly word for word from the Buffy books there was a bit of scandal and she removed all copies of her "books" from the internet, or tried to at least. Anyway, she had gotten enough fans by that point that she wrote the Mortal Instruments, which is basically the exact same rehash of the "fanfic" she wrote for Harry Potter, except worse, because Clary is clearly a self insert of HERSELF. The whole thing is so disastrous I don't even know how it become a movie, except I guess she has her target audience completely figured out, 14 year old girls seem to love the books.
