Sunday 12 February 2012

Malaysian Monopoly

Monopoly is a time honoured board game played throughout the world. The two signature versions are the American and the UK versions, I have the old US version myself, but since it is a game based on locales, Parker Brothers, the game’s developer has been stamping out new editions by the hundreds. I think even Parker Brothers have a hard time keeping track. Some editions are no longer locale based instead serve as advertising platforms for corporations like Disney and McDonald’s.

So naturally, Malaysia has her own Monopoly Edition. And I’m not talking about the Saidina copycat version. I found it in a hypermarket one day and based on several net sources, I think place names are constantly being updated, for better or worse.

Striking a different path from the original, properties of the Malaysia Edition features roads like Petaling Street, districts and entire cities like Putrajaya, right next to each other on the board game. In the place of the four railroad stations are transportation hubs like KLIA and Puduraya bus station.

‘Luxury Tax’ or ‘Super Tax’ is translated as ‘Cukai Hebat’. However the most glaring mistake is Malaysian currency symbol, M, where we all know it should be RM. I didn’t buy the game.

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